Australian Folk Art

Australian hybrid Aboriginal pottery, square lidded box, Aboriginal dot painted on sides and lid. #AGPH30 ~ 4" x 1 1/2"


Australian hybrid pottery box. Square with lid. Fired at Walkabout in Alice Springs, NT, then hand-painted by indigenous Australian Aborigine artist in traditional Australian Aboriginal dot technique.
Design features a silhouetted lizard on the top and representation of a lizard track on two sides and site symbols on two sides.
1 1/2" x 4" #AGPH30

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This is not a pure Aboriginal product and we do not represent it as such. The item was molded and fired in a non-native-owned pottery studio (Walkabout) in Alice Springs, then turned over to an indigenous Aborigineal artist to be painted in dot style according to her inspiration. We call it a hybrid. It clearly demonstrates the results of traditional Aboriginal dot painting.