Art of Indigenous Australians, also referred to as Aborigines, is multifaceted and compelling in its imagery. Ranging from dots of paint on canvas or artboard to intricate line patterns, known as “rrark” painted on bark panels or archival paper.

Archaic Rock Paintings from Australia

Dot paintings created by the indigenous Aboriginal artists of Australia are often called "sand" paintings.

This stems from their genesis in images that are created on the ground as “clans” move from place to place in the desert. The members of the clan gather around and clear a central space for seeds, flowers, sand, stones, feathers, and other natural substances to be arranged to illustrate a dreamtime story. The elders sing their way through the process, imparting tribal knowledge to younger members of the clan. The various symbols are explained as lessons in the clan's history and heritage, its creation story, and the location of sacred sites, food sources, and water holes.

Today, these designs are painted on art board or canvas for sale to the outside collectors. While the precise meanings are not usually revealed publicly, they have deep cultural significance to clan members. Traditionally, only senior males of high rank in the clan learn the full meaning of the designs.

This page presents Australian Aboriginal art in the genres of dot paintings and paintings on bark.

An advantage for US residents of buying Australian Aboriginal art from Aboriginals Gallery is that all the works shown here are already present in the United States. They have been held in climate-controlled environments since their arrival in Fort Myers, Florida. Your order is shipped from here, so you avoid trans-Pacific shipping delays and costs. You also are spared customs paperwork and possible import duties, which we took care of when we had the items shipped to us.

Prices of our Australian Aboriginal fine arts include shipping
from Fort Myers, FL to any address in the 48 mainland United States with no additional charges to you, the purchaser. Shipping to other destinations can also be arranged at the purchaser’s expense.

The links below will navigate you to the cited categories of indigenous art and artifacts.


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Australian Aboriginal Bark Paintings

Bark paintings are indigenous to the North of the continent, where the tropical weather fosters the growth of gum trees. During a period of the seasons the bark of the gum tree can be scored and stripped in large sections from the trees.

These slabs of bark are well-suited to provide shelter from the tropical rain that drenches the land. The inner side of the bark is cleaned to provide a smooth surface that becomes the medium for Aboriginal artists to illustrate their dreamtime stories while sharing them with youngsters and those being initiated into Dreamtime tales. The bark paintings shown below represent different styles as used by different clans of the Aboriginal community. Each is significant to the artists and communities and worthy of identification of each painter's creative output.

Important Notes: All of these works, which were acquired by us whilst living and traveling in Australia, have been held in climate-controlled environments in the United States for decades, which means any purchaser in the USA will not have to contend with cross-Pacific shipment, customs duties or import delays.

Sizes of the thumbnails are not proportional or relational. Please read the actual dimensions to know the actual dimensions of each work of art.

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& prices, click on any small picture below

Australian Aboriginal Prints

Print making is a growing art activity for indigenous Australian artists, especially among the Tiwi people of Bathurst and Melville Islands. Their works tend to feature native Australian creatures or mythic scenes. Typically, prints are more affordable than original works yet reflect the artistry of the painter or print maker.

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