Australian Indigenous Art

"Wallaby Dreaming at the Site of Yarrungayi", Australian Aboriginal dot painting, Don Tjungurrayi. AGK166 ~ 26" x 46"


Australia/Central Desert. Aboriginal indigenous dot painting on canvas, WALLABY DREAMING AT THE SITE OF YARRUNGAYI. Don Tjungurrayi/Warlpiri.

Authentic Australian Aboriginal traditional dot paintings derive from "Dreamtime" legends that comprise the beliefs of the people or memory maps of the artist's home country, or a combination thereof. The roundels are said to represent caves in the country.

Don Tjungarrayi has been painting since the 1970s, winning the 1986 Alice Springs Art Prize. Don Tjungarrayi's work is in collections at the Kelton Foundation, National Gallery Australia, National Gallery of Victoria, Art Bank, Art Gallery of South Australia, Queensland Art Gallery, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Holmes a Court, Gallery of Western Australia and more.
Painted ca 1995, this work was acquired in 1995 from Papunya Tula, Alice Springs, NT, Australia. 26” x 46” #AGK166

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SHIPPING INFORMATION: An advantage to residents of the United States is, if you are shipping to an address within the 48 mainland states, we will ship this painting at our expense, and you will avoid delays of trans-Pacific shipping, customs paperwork and import duties, as this authentic indigenous Australian Aboriginal dreamtime painting is currently secured in climate-controlled conditions in Fort Myers, Florida. For buyers who wish shipping to other locations, we can arrange that at your expense, to be negotiated after your purchase.